76 Types of Philodendron to Grow Indoors

As a plant lover myself, I’ve become quite fond of philodendrons and their ability to make any room feel like a cozy jungle retreat. With over 490 species to choose from, this article will help you find the perfect philodendron to match your style and environment – we have 76 types of Philodendron in this article!

Many philodendrons are climbers or trailers in their natural habitat, using tree trunks as support. But there are also lots of self-heading varieties that would look gorgeous displayed on a table or bookshelf. The best part is that most philodendrons thrive in indoor spaces, making them a no-fuss houseplant.

Contact me anytime to chat plants and/or purchase ❤️ I love helping fellow plant parents pick out wish list varieties that will thrive in their care!

Philodendron Prince of Orange

This vibrant plant is known for its color-changing leaves that transition from a bright orange hue in their youth to a deeper green as they mature. The continual change in leaf color gives it the appearance of a living sunset.

  • Leaf Color: Starts as bright orange, matures to deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Birkin

A distinct Philodendron due to its green leaves adorned with white pinstripes. Each leaf has a unique pattern, making every plant individualistic.

  • Leaf Color: Green with white pinstripes.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Fairly common, but sought after.

Philodendron Burle Marx

This plant is named after the famous landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx. It’s recognized for its elongated leaves with wavy edges.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright with potential to trail in mature plants.
  • Availability: Common.

White Princess Philodendron

A close relative to the Pink Princess, but with stunning white variegation. Its contrast between the dark green and white is breathtaking.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare and highly sought after.

Philodendron Plowmanii

A remarkable species with large, rippled leaves that have a soft, velvety texture.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Creeping.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Mamei

This species stands out with its silver-patterned markings on large green leaves, giving it a shimmery appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Green with silver patterns.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Creeping.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Splendid

A beautiful hybrid known for its metallic silver leaves contrasted by deep green veins.

  • Leaf Color: Metallic silver with deep green veins.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Vining.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Camposportoanum

Distinguished by its elongated, narrow leaves with gentle ripples along the edges.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to long.
  • Growth Habit: Vining.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Ring of Fire

As the name suggests, this variety has a fiery appearance, with leaves showcasing a blend of yellow, green, and red hues.

  • Leaf Color: Blend of yellow, green, and red.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Gloriosum

Renowned for its large, heart-shaped, velvety green leaves accentuated by white veins.

  • Leaf Color: Green with white veins.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Creeping.
  • Availability: Fairly common.

Philodendron Giganteum

As the name implies, this plant boasts some of the largest leaves in the Philodendron genus, evoking a lush tropical ambiance.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Very large, capable of growing several feet in length.
  • Growth Habit: Upright to sprawling.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Billietiae

Distinctive for its long green leaves and striking, elongated, orange-hued petioles.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Long.
  • Growth Habit: Upright with a tendency to sprawl.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Moonlight

This hybrid variety is beloved for its bright, lime-green leaves which appear to glow.

  • Leaf Color: Luminescent lime-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Bipennifolium

Often referred to as the Horse Head Plant, its leaves have a unique shape reminiscent of a fiddle or violin.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing or trailing.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Mayoi

A standout species with a unique leaf shape, featuring pronounced lobes and a velvety texture.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Lemon Lime Philodendron

This variety is characterized by its vibrant neon-green leaves that maintain their color throughout maturity.

  • Leaf Color: Neon-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Vining or trailing.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Rugosum

Recognizable by its intriguing rough, textured leaves which contrast with the typically smooth leaves of other Philodendrons.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Rojo Congo

Features broad leaves that begin as a deep red when young and gradually transition to a dark green with age. The petioles retain their red hue.

  • Leaf Color: Starts as deep red, matures to dark green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Brandtianum

Distinguished by its leaves, which have a unique mosaic-like pattern, blending shades of green with silver.

  • Leaf Color: Green with silver patterns.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Goeldii

Also known as the Spiral Philodendron, it’s admired for its leaves that grow in a pinwheel arrangement, creating a spiral effect.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Verrucosum

An elegant species known for its velvety leaves with bright veins. The petioles often have a unique, hairy texture.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green with bright veins.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Pink Princess

This variety has achieved cult status among plant enthusiasts due to its dark green to almost black leaves with striking pink variegation.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green to black with pink variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare and highly sought after.

Philodendron Cordatum

A classic heart-leaf Philodendron, it’s popular for its vining growth and heart-shaped leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Trailing or climbing.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Strawberry Shake Philodendron

A captivating variety with variegated leaves showcasing shades of pink, red, and green.

  • Leaf Color: Variegated with pink, red, and green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Grazielae

This species stands out with its rounded, heart-shaped leaves and compact growth habit.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and bushy.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Brasil

A popular variegated variety with green leaves featuring a central yellow stripe.

  • Leaf Color: Green with central yellow stripe.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Vining or trailing.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Xanadu

Characterized by its deeply lobed leaves and dense growth, it’s often used as a landscape plant in tropical regions.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright and bushy.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron White Knight

A rare variety known for its dark green leaves with striking white variegation.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare and sought after.

Philodendron Selloum

Also known as Philodendron Hope, it’s recognized by its large, deeply lobed leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Bushy and sprawling.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Hederaceum

A classic heart-leaf Philodendron, it’s a favorite for its vining growth and heart-shaped leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Trailing or climbing.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Painted Lady

This variety is recognized for its elongated leaves with a unique pattern of yellow and green, giving it a “painted” appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Green with yellow patterns.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Silver Sword Philodendron Hastatum

Known for its elongated, silvery-blue leaves, this Philodendron exudes a metallic sheen, making it stand out in any collection.

  • Leaf Color: Silvery-blue.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to long.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Squamiferum

Distinctive for its red, hairy petioles and green, lobed leaves, it brings a unique texture to any plant collection.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Red Emerald (Philodendron erubescens)

Characterized by its dark green leaves with a reddish underside and red stems, it offers a beautiful contrast.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with a reddish underside.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Imperial Red (Philodendron erubescens ‘Imperial Red’)

Known for its large, glossy, deep red to burgundy leaves, this variety adds a touch of royalty to any space.

  • Leaf Color: Deep red to burgundy.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Silver Stripe

This variety is recognized for its green leaves adorned with subtle silver stripes, adding a touch of elegance.

  • Leaf Color: Green with silver stripes.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Vining.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Black Cardinal

Featuring stunning dark green to almost black leaves, this Philodendron variety is a dramatic addition to any plant collection.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green to black.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Narrow (Philodendron angustisectum)

This species stands out with its long, slender leaves that have a unique serrated appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Long and narrow.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Scandens (Philodendron hederaceum)

Another name for the classic heart-leaf Philodendron, it’s a favorite among enthusiasts for its vining growth and heart-shaped leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Trailing or climbing.
  • Availability: Commonly available.

Philodendron Gigas

With its large, velvety, dark green leaves, this species is a showstopper in any collection.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Squamicaule

This unique species stands out with its thick, chunky stems and deep green, heavily textured leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti

One of the rarest Philodendrons, it’s distinguished by its elongated, deep green leaves with a unique central rib.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Extremely rare and sought after.

Philodendron Warszewiczii

Known for its deeply lobed, fern-like leaves, this variety adds a touch of the tropics to any space.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Tortum

Recognized for its twisted, curly leaves, this Philodendron brings a unique texture and appearance to collections.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Serpens

Distinguished by its velvety green leaves and hairy petioles, this species adds a tactile element to plant collections.

  • Leaf Color: Velvety green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Radiatum

Characterized by its deeply lobed leaves, this species evokes a tropical ambiance.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Pedatum

With its lobed, hand-shaped leaves, this Philodendron brings a unique aesthetic to plant collections.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Deja Vu

This variety is known for its deeply serrated leaves, reminiscent of a fern, offering a unique texture.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Paraiso Verde

A vibrant Philodendron with variegated leaves showcasing a mix of green and yellow hues.

  • Leaf Color: Variegated green and yellow.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Vining.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Autumn

As the name suggests, this variety features leaves that transition in color, reminiscent of autumn leaves, from reddish-orange to green.

  • Leaf Color: Reddish-orange maturing to green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Melanochrysum

This species is admired for its large, velvety leaves with a dark green color and prominent white veins, exuding a luxurious feel.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with white veins.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate to rare.

Philodendron White Wizard

A striking variety characterized by its deep green leaves with stunning white variegation, creating a magical appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green with white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Golden Goddess

Featuring luminous, light green leaves, this Philodendron shines brightly in any collection.

  • Leaf Color: Luminous light green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Florida Ghost

Unique for its new leaves which emerge a ghostly white and gradually turn green as they mature, giving it its spooky name.

  • Leaf Color: New leaves are white, maturing to green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate to rare.

Philodendron Green Princess

A compact Philodendron variety with glossy, deep green leaves. It’s perfect for smaller spaces while still providing a tropical touch.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Imperial Green

Characterized by its large, glossy, deep green leaves, this variety adds a regal touch to any space.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Atom

Known for its dense growth and deeply lobed leaves, it brings a bushy, tropical feel to interiors.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and bushy.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Congo Green

This variety stands out with its broad, glossy leaves, giving interiors a lush, green appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Florida Beauty

With its unique variegated leaves displaying a mix of green and yellow, this Philodendron is a true beauty.

  • Leaf Color: Variegated green and yellow.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Jose Buono

Notable for its massive leaves with striking variegation, this Philodendron is a centerpiece in any collection.

  • Leaf Color: Green with cream to white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Silver Queen

This variety stands out with its green leaves showcasing elegant silver stripes, adding a touch of regality to collections.

  • Leaf Color: Green with silver stripes.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Dark Lord

With its deep green, almost black leaves and vibrant red undersides, this Philodendron is truly a dramatic presence.

  • Leaf Color: Deep green to black with red undersides.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Florida Compacta

A variant of the Florida species, it’s known for its compact growth and deeply lobed leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Midnight Green

This variety is recognized for its dark green, almost black leaves, giving it a mysterious aura.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green to black.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Pink Princess Splash (Philodendron erubescens)

A variant of the Pink Princess, it features green leaves splashed with vibrant pink variegation.

  • Leaf Color: Green with pink splashes.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Birkin Splash

A twist on the Birkin variety, it has the signature white-striped leaves with additional splashes of color.

  • Leaf Color: Green with white stripes and splashes.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron El Choco Red

Distinctive for its deep red leaves, this Philodendron adds a warm, tropical ambiance to spaces.

  • Leaf Color: Deep red.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Silver Cloud

Characterized by its green leaves with a silvery sheen, it brings a touch of luminosity to collections.

  • Leaf Color: Green with a silvery sheen.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Florida Compacta Mini (Philodendron hederaceum)

A miniature version of the Florida Compacta, it’s perfect for those looking for the same aesthetic in a smaller size.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Pink Princess Dwarf (Philodendron erubescens)

A smaller variant of the iconic Pink Princess, it offers the same stunning pink variegation in a compact form.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with pink variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Pedatum Green

This variant of the Pedatum is known for its vibrant green, hand-shaped leaves that add a touch of nature’s intricacy.

  • Leaf Color: Vibrant green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Burle Marx Fantasy (Philodendron ‘Burle Marx Fantasy’)

A hybrid known for its elongated, silvery-green leaves, this Philodendron pays homage to the landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx.

  • Leaf Color: Silvery-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Congo Green Queen

A variant of the Congo series, it features broader, glossier leaves that exude a regal charm.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Imperial Red Compacta

A compact version of the Imperial Red, this variant offers the same deep red to burgundy leaves in a smaller size.

  • Leaf Color: Deep red to burgundy.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Gloriosum Mini

A miniature version of the renowned Gloriosum, it boasts the same velvety green leaves with white veins in a more manageable size.

  • Leaf Color: Green with white veins.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Creeping.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Lemon Lime Compacta

A compact version of the Lemon Lime, it brings the same neon-green vibrancy in a smaller form, perfect for tabletops.

  • Leaf Color: Neon-green.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and trailing.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Silver Sword Mini (Philodendron hastatum)

A miniature version of the Silver Sword, it offers the signature silvery-blue leaves in a more compact size.

  • Leaf Color: Silvery-blue.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Florida Ghost Mini (Philodendron pedatum ‘Florida Ghost Mini’)

A smaller variant of the Florida Ghost, it showcases the same ghostly white new leaves that mature to green.

  • Leaf Color: New leaves are white, maturing to green.
  • Leaf Size: Small to medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Micans Variegated (Philodendron micans ‘Variegated’)

A variegated form of the Micans, it stands out with its velvety leaves that display a blend of green, yellow, and sometimes pink hues.

  • Leaf Color: Variegated green, yellow, and pink.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Trailing.
  • Availability: Rare.

Philodendron Red Emerald Compacta (Philodendron erubescens ‘Red Emerald Compacta’)

A compact variant of the Red Emerald, it boasts the same dark green leaves with a reddish underside in a more manageable size.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green with a reddish underside.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Pink Princess Variegated (Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess Variegated’)

A variegated twist on the iconic Pink Princess, this variant showcases leaves with a more pronounced blend of green, pink, and white.

  • Leaf Color: Green, pink, and white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Very rare.

Philodendron Golden Dragon (Philodendron ‘Golden Dragon’)

With its deeply lobed, golden-green leaves, this Philodendron variety adds a mythical touch to plant collections.

  • Leaf Color: Golden-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Royal Queen

Boasting rich, burgundy-red leaves, this variety adds a royal charm to any plant ensemble.

  • Leaf Color: Burgundy-red.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Florida Beauty Green (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Florida Beauty Green’)

A green variant of the Florida Beauty, it’s known for its deeply lobed leaves and upright growth.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Tahiti

Characterized by its split, lance-shaped leaves, this variety brings a tropical vibe reminiscent of the island it’s named after.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Emerald Duke

Known for its glossy, emerald-green leaves, this Philodendron is a jewel in any collection.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy emerald-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Silver Sword XL (Philodendron hastatum ‘Silver Sword XL’)

An extra-large version of the Silver Sword, it offers the same beautiful silvery-blue leaves but on a grander scale.

  • Leaf Color: Silvery-blue.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Climbing.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Fiddleleaf

With its unique fiddle-shaped leaves, this variety adds a musical touch to plant collections.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Prince of Orange Compacta

A compact version of the Prince of Orange, it showcases the same transition of colors from orange to green in a more manageable size.

  • Leaf Color: Starts as orange, matures to green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Pink Princess White Knight (Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess White Knight’)

A hybrid of the Pink Princess and White Knight, this variety boasts leaves with a mix of green, pink, and white variegation.

  • Leaf Color: Green, pink, and white variegation.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Very rare.

Philodendron Painted Lady Hybrid

A hybrid that combines the beauty of the Painted Lady, it showcases elongated leaves with unique yellow and green patterns.

  • Leaf Color: Green with yellow patterns.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Moonlight Scandens)

A cross between the Moonlight and Scandens varieties, this Philodendron features heart-shaped luminous light green leaves.

  • Leaf Color: Luminous light green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Trailing or climbing.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Silver Stripe Mini

A miniature version of the Silver Stripe, it offers the same elegant green leaves with subtle silver stripes.

  • Leaf Color: Green with subtle silver stripes.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Vining.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Golden Violin

Boasting elongated, glossy golden-green leaves, this Philodendron variety resonates with nature’s beauty.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy golden-green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium to long.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Paraiso Verde Dwarf

A smaller variant of the Paraiso Verde, it offers the same vibrant variegated leaves of green and yellow.

  • Leaf Color: Variegated green and yellow.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and vining.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Autumn Beauty Mini

A miniature version of the Autumn Philodendron, it showcases leaves that transition in color from reddish-orange to green.

  • Leaf Color: Reddish-orange maturing to green.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Golden Goddess Mini

A compact version of the Golden Goddess, this variety exudes the same luminous, light green charm in a smaller form.

  • Leaf Color: Luminous light green.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Radiatum XL

An extra-large version of the Radiatum, it boasts the same deeply lobed leaves but on a grander scale.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Imperial Green XL

An extra-large variant of the Imperial Green, it showcases the same glossy, deep green leaves in a more majestic form.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Black Cardinal Mini

A miniature form of the Black Cardinal, it offers the same dark green to almost black leaves in a smaller size.

  • Leaf Color: Dark green to black.
  • Leaf Size: Small.
  • Growth Habit: Compact and upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

Philodendron Lemon Lime XL (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime XL’)

An extra-large version of the Lemon Lime, it boasts the same vibrant neon-green leaves but on a grander scale.

  • Leaf Color: Neon-green.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Common.

Philodendron Florida Compacta Mariposa (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Florida Compacta Mariposa’)

A variant of the Florida Compacta, “Mariposa” offers beautifully lobed leaves with a unique butterfly-like appearance.

  • Leaf Color: Green.
  • Leaf Size: Medium.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Less common.

Philodendron Congo Green Queen XL

An extra-large version of the Congo Green Queen, it provides the same broad, glossy leaves, but in a more commanding presence.

  • Leaf Color: Glossy deep green.
  • Leaf Size: Very large.
  • Growth Habit: Upright.
  • Availability: Moderate.

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